村を襲う悲劇・青獅子の学級 Village Tragedy (Blue Lions)
(玄関ホール 昼)
Entrance Hall | Daytime
ジェラルト: おい!Byleth!急いで出る準備をしろ!
Jeralt: We've got to go. Now.
Choice 1: いったい何が? What's going on?
Choice 2: わかった OK.
ジェラルト: ルミール村の様子が一変したらしいんだが、情報が錯綜しててよくわからねえ。
Jeralt: The situation in Remire Village has changed drastically. We don't know much more than that.
We're hearing reports that the villagers are killing each other. Some say houses are burning. Regardless, we need to move.
Remire Village (Empire Territory)
暴れる村人: コロス! コロス!ウアアアアア!
Rampaging Villager: Kill! Kill! Ahhhh!
暴れる村人: フフフフフフフフフ……!アア……ヴァア……!
Rampaging Villager: Haha... Hahaha... Hrngyarhh!
村の子供: 助けてえ! 助けてよおー!
Village Child: Help! Somebody, please help!
ジェラルト: 何だこりゃ……何がどうなってやがる……
Jeralt: What's going on here...
ディミトリ: ………………ッ!
Dimitri: Ungh...
Choice 1: どうした? What's wrong with you?
Choice 2: 大丈夫? Are you OK? *Dimitri up
ディミトリ: ああ……心配するな、大丈夫だ。
Dimitri: I... Don't worry about me. I'm fine.
ディミトリ: ……俺のことはいい。それよりも、今は一刻も早く村人を救わなければ……!
Dimitri: Don't waste your time on me. Saving the village is far more important. We haven't a moment to lose!
ドゥドゥー: ですが、このような混乱の中、どのように……?
Dedue: What can we do amidst such confusion?
フェリクス: 暴れる村人を斬っていくしかないだろう。急所を外せば死にはすまい。
Felix: We'll have to take up arms against the villagers who are rampaging. If we strike carefully, it should be possible to spare their lives.
メルセデス: あらあら……もっと荒っぽくないやり方はないのかしら?
Mercedes: Oh dear... Isn't there a more peaceful way to deal with this?
イングリット: 時間がかかっても、1人ずつ確かめながら救出していくしかないようですね。
Ingrid: No matter how long it takes, we'll need to check and rescue them all, one at a time.
アッシュ: 正気を失っている人たちも、被害者かもしれません。助けられないでしょうか?
Ashe: Those who have gone made may be victims themselves. Is it possible to save them?
アネット: とにかく、無事な人の救出が最優先だよね!急がなきゃ……!
Annette: Well, saving the poor people who aren't crazy is definitely our top priority! Let's get on with it!
シルヴァン: おい、落ち着けよアネット。あんまり慌ててこっちが炎に巻かれちゃ元も子もない。
Sylvain: Slow down, Annette. It won't do anyone any good if we panic and get injured ourselves.
ドゥドゥー: ……?あれは……。
Dedue: Isn't that...
Your Highness. Suspicious figures spotted in the village. They seem to be...watching the chaos.
ディミトリ: 村の異変の元凶は、その者たちか…………ならば、話は早いな。
Dimitri: Are they the ones responsible for this madness? If so...it's clear what must be done.
Kill them all. Don't let a single one of them escape. Sever their limbs and crush their wicked skulls!